Value Creation

Value Creation

Integrated Thinking and the Role of the Finance Function

Stathis Gould and Yen-pei Chen discuss integrated thinking and the role of the finance function as part of the Value Reporting Foundation Symposium. Watch now.

What is your data worth? Insights for CPAs

Data value is driven by its context. This article identifies key considerations in assessing the value of data and its role in value creation.

Aligning internal and external integrated reporting | Integrated Reporting SA

The content areas and six capitals of the integrated report offer a useful structure for holistic internal reporting and driving integrated thinking. See the Integrated Reporting Committee (IRC) of South Africa’s latest Information Paper Aligning Internal and External Integrated Reporting.

CFOs and Finance Functions – from Business Partnering to Value Partnering

The rapid modernization of the CFO and finance function provides significant opportunities to accelerate the value contribution of professional accountants to business success.

Integrated thinking - Integrated Reporting

The Value Reporting Foundation’s Integrated Thinking Principles (‘Principles’) provide a structured approach to structured approach for considering how to create the right environment within an organization, as well as for reviewing what can, at times, go wrong. They are designed to be embedded into an organization’s business model and applied across key activities overseen by the Board and managed by the senior management team. The Principles, which are are interconnected, are implemented on three levels: the first comprises questions to the Board and CEO on how widely each Principle has been adopted across the organization; the second offers the opportunity to test how deeply the Principles have been embedded into the organization; and the third consists of management tools, practices and processes to bring integrated thinking to life.

Purpose Drives Profit: How global executives understand value creation today

A vast majority (98%) of global business executives say that it is now critical for organizations to have corporate purpose, according to a new report: Purpose Drives Profit: How Global Executives Understand Value Creation Today.

Introduction to value creation Opportunities for CPAs

In today’s economy, CPAs need to apply skills to support forward-looking decisions that create more value for their organization and stakeholders. Join us as we discuss what is meant by “value creation,” why CPAs should take a leadership role in this space, and what resources are available to help you succeed.

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