Special Regulatory Vote

2024 Special Regulatory Vote: Amendment to the CPA Alberta Regulations

Alberta CPAs are being asked to vote on an amendment to the regulations made under the Chartered Professional Accountants Act.

The amendment is an administrative change requested by the Government of Alberta. Specifically, the amendment would extend the deadline set out in Section 26 of the Regulations for a review of the Regulations from June 30, 2025 to June 30, 2030.

The rationale behind the request is related to the Government’s intention to implement the Professional Governance Act, which would replace the Chartered Professional Accountants Act and bring several professional regulatory organizations, including CPA Alberta, under a single piece of legislation. This new legislation would also create a new set of regulations. Since this legislative change is expected in the next year or so, a review of the current Regulations by June 2025 is unnecessary.


Voting FAQs

All Alberta CPAs in good standing are eligible to vote.

The result of the vote is a simple majority of ballots cast, either for or against.
The request from the Government of Alberta to amend the Regulations came after the notice voting period for the spring Board vote had begun.
The Government of Alberta has requested the Regulations be amended by the end of September 2024. The next regularly scheduled vote for CPA Alberta is not until fall 2025.

Choose “for” or “against” the following proposal: Amend Section 26 of the Chartered Professional Accountants Regulation, extending the time for a review of the Regulation to be completed to on or before June 30, 2030.

The Regulations and all the governing documents of the profession can be found here: CPA Alberta Governing Documents.

To vote, login to the CPA Alberta member portal and cast your ballot for or against the proposed amendment.

Please note, voting opened on September 4, 2024.

Yes. If you would prefer to have a printed copy of the voting information and/or ballot, contact CPA Alberta via email at communications@cpaalberta.ca or by calling 1-800-232-9406.

Results will be posted on the CPA Alberta website shortly after the vote closes and will also be announced in the October 3 edition of CPA Alberta's e-newsletter, Daily Dividends.

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